ISA Representation in School Sport Australia Softball Team
School Sport Australia, ISA Softball Representatives
Best Wishes to Eliza Murphy from St Paul’s Grammar School and Lauren Herbert from Redlands as they represent School Sport Australia in Softball in the International Tour to Hawaii. (20-29th September, 2016).
Both Eliza and Lauren have represented ISA each year since 2013, culminating in being key members who made the victory over AHIGS-IGSSA possible this year after being runners-up in their previous campaigns.
2014 saw Lauren Herbert representing NSWCIS. In 2015 both Eliza and Lauren were selected in the NSWCIS team and Lauren was selected in the NSW team to play in the Pacific School Games in Adelaide.
In 2016 Eliza and Lauren were selected in the NSWCIS team and the NSW All Schools Team. NSW went on to win the Nationals and Eliza and Lauren were selected as School Sport Australia representatives. ISA wish to thank Lauren and Eliza for their valued contribution to ISA Softball over the years.