Please check with your school for game time and venue
Nominations due for ISA Opens and 15 Yrs & Under Boys Touch Football Teams
Nominations due for ISA Opens and 15 Yrs & Under Girls Touch Football Teams
Please check with your school for game time and venue
Trials for ISA Open and 15 Yrs & Under Boys and Girls Touch Football Teams
Trials for ISA Open and 15 Yrs & Under Girls Touch Football Teams
ISA Post-Season Zoom Meetings for Girls Basketball, Softball & Touch Football School Sport Convenors
ISA Post-Season Zoom Meetings for Boys Basketball, Boys Touch Football & Cricket School Sport Convenors
Nominations due for 18 Yrs & Under, and 15 Yrs & Under Boys and Girls Touch Football Championships and Trials
Trials for NSWCIS 18 Yrs & Under and 15 Yrs & Under Boys & Girls Touch Football Teams
Training for ISA Boys Opens and 15 Years & U Touch Football Teams
Training for ISA Girls Opens and 15 Years & U Touch Football Teams
Nomination forms for ISA Summer Officials to be distributed to Member Schools
Training for NSWCIS 15 Yrs & Under Boys & Girls Touch Football Teams
Trials for NSW All Schools 15 Yrs & Under Girls and Boys Touch Football Teams
Summer Team entries due to ISA Office
ISA Pre-Season Meetings for Boys Basketball, Cricket & Boys Touch Football School Sport Convenors
ISA Pre-Season Meetings for Softball, Girls Basketball & Girls Touch Football School Sport Convenors
Please check with your school for game time and venue
Please check with your school for game time and venue
Nominations due for ISA Opens and 15 Yrs & Under Boys Touch Football Teams
Nominations due for ISA Opens and 15 Yrs & Under Girls Touch Football Teams
ISA Post-Season Zoom Meetings for Girls Basketball, Softball & Touch Football School Sport Convenors
ISA Post-Season Zoom Meetings for Boys Basketball, Boys Touch Football & Cricket School Sport Convenors
Trials for ISA Open and 15 Yrs & Under Boys and Girls Touch Football Teams
Trials for ISA Open and 15 Yrs & Under Girls Touch Football Teams
Nominations due for 18 Yrs & Under, and 15 Yrs & Under Boys and Girls Touch Football Championships and Trials
Training for ISA Girls Opens and 15 Years & U Touch Football Teams
Training for ISA Boys Opens and 15 Years & U Touch Football Teams
Trials for NSWCIS 18 Yrs & Under and 15 Yrs & Under Boys & Girls Touch Football Teams
Nomination forms for ISA Summer Officials to be distributed to Member Schools
Summer Team entries due to ISA Office
Trials for NSW All Schools 15 Yrs & Under Girls and Boys Touch Football Teams
ISA Pre-Season Meetings for Boys Basketball, Cricket & Boys Touch Football School Sport Convenors
ISA Pre-Season Meetings for Girls Basketball & Girls Touch Football School Sport Convenors